If you require any more information on the curriculum documents on our website,  please contact the school office using the credentials on the Contact Us page.

Intent, Implementation and Impact

At Ings Farm Primary, we have developed a curriculum in which children are encouraged, supported and inspired to be their personal best. Our broad and balanced curriculum has a clear purpose and is focused around progression, knowledge, skills and passion for learning.
The curriculum provides opportunities to meet the needs of all pupils to allow children to succeed as they grow and develop at school as well as in life beyond Ings Farm Primary

Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum aims to develop the pupil’s individuality and encourages them to view themselves as:
The Thinking Me:

What do I know, what am I learning and what will I learn next?
To develop the appropriate subject specific knowledge and skills as set out in the National Curriculum in meaningful contexts that will build upon each other as children progress through school, and beyond.

The Social Me:

Who am I, how do I feel and what is my place in the community and the wider world?
To develop learners to have a holistic set of values that prepares them for life in a diverse and ever-changing world. To teach children to become respectful citizens, developing their understanding of and appreciation for diversity, celebrating what we have in common and promoting respect for the different protected characteristics. For children to build a firm set of personal morals and to share the culture they live in while recognising the cultures of others.                                                                                                          

The Healthy Me:

What behaviours and habits do I have to be an effective learner?
To develop the behaviours that learners need to succeed in the world, such as resilience, concentration, imagination, co-operation, curiosity and the enjoyment of learning. We will teach the importance of being healthy in both our body and mind and develop the understanding of how to achieve this.

Curriculum Implementation

High expectations of all our children leads to high aspirations and the belief that they can achieve in all they do. With a successful leadership model embedded in the school, all staff are supported and are committed to their role in helping our children achieve, academically, socially, emotionally and physically.

Thinking Me

The school curriculum is designed so that children are able to develop as thinkers. Learning in all subjects is purposefully planned in a sequence that builds on knowledge and understanding, skills and cross-curricular links. Lessons are differentiated and designed to encourage children to develop and apply skills that are prominent in successful learners. Vocabulary lists are created so that children are equipped with the correct words and phrases to explain their thinking. Resources such as review lessons, knowledge mats and displays are used so that children are able to revisit their learning and use prior knowledge in new learning. We endeavour to provide excellent lessons and a wide range of quality experiences in school and further afield, that will support the children’s learning of the National Curriculum. We also strive to provide opportunities that will develop our pupils’ interests, talents and passion for learning and life. Alongside teaching of curriculum subjects and assessment of attainment and progress, we ensure that our children’s talents and successes are celebrated throughout school.  We hold weekly achievement assemblies which not only celebrate academic gains but personal ones too. 

Social Me

We use our PSHE (personal, social, health and economic) curriculum as a vehicle through which school delivers health, relationships and RSE (Relationships and Sex education) Each day, our school community models, teaches and promotes a range of values that pupils need to understand and demonstrate in order to become good citizens of the world. We plan opportunities for students to support and learn with and from each other, both within year groups as well as across the age ranges, and leaders are established to represent their class members in the School Council, Eco group, as well as in leading playtime games. Visitors are always welcomed and children learn, develop, respect, share and question each other’s thoughts about the people, cultures and faiths in our community and the wider world. We work with local community groups such as ‘Open the Book’, ‘Young at Heart’ and we raise money for charities, as well as working with other schools and partnerships.

Healthy Me

Teachers design learning opportunities that look for ways to develop good learning behaviours. We understand that learning about learning (metacognition) helps us to be better learners. Active learning is recognised as an excellent tool in enabling physical and mental well-being and as a result we work closely with Schools Sport Partnership and seek support from colleagues within the Head Start, mental health programme. We provide or share information of a vast range of physical activities in order to find at least one for each child to participate in, as an extracurricular activity, either at school or in the wider community.  Our multi-agency approach is implemented throughout school and the utilisation of a range of support helps to close the gaps for some of our most vulnerable children.  Working closely with the Nursing Service, Occupational Therapists, Specialist Teaching Service, counsellors, behaviour therapists, CAMHS, Social Care and Speech and Language therapists ensures we have the support and understanding so pupils are able to achieve and feel secure in the knowledge that there is a team of people working with them.

Curriculum Impact

All our learners will develop knowledge, skills, values and opinions across the whole curriculum in order to achieve their personal best as a learner, as a member of the community and in their physical and mental health.

Thinking Me

Pupils will achieve ambitious and academic success through good and accelerated learning and will develop the skills and desire to be enquiring learners. Our students will be appreciative of and experience all subject areas and have their own talents nurtured.

Curiosity, Imagination, Concentration, Resourcefulness, Reflection, Decision making, problem solving, Evaluation

Social Me

Children will have the skills and knowledge to work well with other people in school and in life. Beyond school. Children will develop, demonstrate and use skills to help them become a positive member of modern Britain and beyond and will demonstrate appreciation, knowledge and respect for their own and other cultures.                           

Gratitude, Empathy, Fairness, Encouragement, Trust, Respect, Communication, Co – operation

Healthy Me

Pupils will feel safe and supported in the pursuits of their ambitions and be confident within themselves. They will have a strong sense of self-worth and responsibility. Children will make decisions that underpin good health and well-being.

Self-belief, Honesty, Courage, Resilience, Integrity, Responsibility, Self -discipline, Self-motivation