Remote Learning & Homework Help

Remote Learning Policy

What are the benefits of Homework?

At Ings Farm we believe that there are benefits for children who spend regular periods of time on different learning activities, as part of a homework programme, to support the work they do in class. To be effective, homework needs to be part of a wider partnership between parents and schools.

What will it consist of?

Homework will consist of short activities such as – simple games, learning spellings, number facts, and reading together. Homework will provide a very important opportunity for young children to talk to parents about what they’ve learnt, and to practise key skills in a supportive environment. It is the involvement of parents and carers in joint activities, which may be very brief, which forms the most valuable part in promoting children’s learning.

How can I help my child?

Children need a reasonably peaceful and suitable place at home for homework. Adults can support and encourage children by e.g. helping them find information, hearing them read, testing spellings and tables etc. It is vital that parents send strong messages to children that they value homework. Parents should encourage children to work through a task, and offer praise when the task is completed to the best of the child’s ability.

Bug Club

provides e-books for children to access at home. These books are chosen by teachers and through them, children can earn reward points by completing the interactive activities and answering questions. Using the program at school and at home fosters an understanding of reading for purpose and pleasure while helping to improve reading and comprehension skills.


covers all aspects of Mathematics. It provides step by step support and is designed to reinforce and consolidate children’s learning. The interactive activities help children improve both their mathematical skills and speed.

Purple Mash

provides e-books for children to access at home. These books are chosen by teachers and through them, children can earn reward points by completing the interactive activities and answering questions. Using the program at school and at home fosters an understanding of reading for purpose and pleasure while helping to improve reading and comprehension skills.

If necessary, opportunities will be given for children to use these packages in school for homework tasks. Login cards will be provided for each child.

Class teachers are more than happy to discuss homework activities.